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Boise Idaho Senator Michelle Stennett, Idaho State Senate Minority Leader

News Blog

We swear an oath to uphold the law

Michelle Stennett

""I do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Idaho, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of     (insert office)     according to the best of my ability."."--Idaho Code Section 59-401

Cornavirus COVID-19 Update

Governor Little held a press conference on Friday, March 13 and declared a state of emergency in Idaho.  This declaration makes emergency disaster funds available and activates the Idaho Emergency Operations Plan extending the Governor's powers.  Our state epidemiologist, Christine Hahn, emphasized a need for increased testing for COVID-19.  

Please continue to check Idaho's coronavirus website for up-to-date information.  If you are showing symptoms, please contact your primary care physician or dial 211 for advice.

Bills that Invite Litigation Instead of Improving Lives 

As members of the Idaho legislature, we all take the oath above to support both the United States and Idaho Constitutions.  Nonetheless, the legislature has established a Constitutional Defense Fund which is used for litigation that often defies established law.  We have spent that fund down from $4.5 million to just over $1.3 million by willfully passing unlawful legislation.  This is fiscally irresponsible.  

This tradition continues this session.  Several unconstitutional bills have passed the House or the Senate.  If these become law, Idaho would be required to waste taxpayer dollars in court.

The legislature should be addressing policy on public health and safety, education, and infrastructure.  These issues impact every Idahoan every day.  Disappointingly, the majority of the debate in the Statehouse is on proposed legislation that punitively impacts a tiny percentage of Idahoans instead of addressing good policy for the greater majority.

Misdemeanor Arrests

Last summer the Idaho Supreme Court held that the Idaho Constitution did not allow misdemeanor arrests without a warrant in most circumstances.  All other states allow this kind of arrest in some capacity.  This ruling has a disproportionate effect in domestic violence cases, which leaves people, particularly families, in dangerous situations.  It can take hours to get a warrant issued from a judge; this can be exacerbated by communication difficulties in areas with poor broadband connectivity.  

In Ada County, the year before the Clarke court ruling, they had 272 calls for alleged misdemeanors with a 42 percent arrest rate, after the ruling the number of calls remained similar at 262, but the arrest rate dropped to just 12 percent.

On Friday, March 13, Senate State Affairs sent SJR104, which would amend our Constitution to allow these arrests, to the Senate floor.  Ultimately, this change would also require approval by the voters.

Steps for Schools

Each year Blue Cross of Idaho donates money to the public school of choice for each legislator who averages 10,000 steps per day during the legislative session.  I am pleased that this year Richfield School District will receive $750 donated in my name.

First Idaho Women's Day

Friday, March 13 was the first Idaho Women's Day, a statewide commemoration and celebration of the centennial anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  We celebrated on the Capitol steps with Governor Brad Little, First Lady Teresa Little, and many others, including a bell ringing by the Girl Scouts of the Silver Sage Council. 

